Martha Casazza: Author and Educator

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“Pressing her fingers hard against her cheeks to stop the tears, Melina barely made out the blurred shapes of Mamá and Papá as the bus pulled away from the station. She folded herself into the sticky, plastic seat and squinted out the rear window until they were just fuzzy specks on the horizon. At the bus stop, they seemed so small. Mamá held on to Papá as if her whole being depended on it, while Papá summoned all the strength his tired body had to offer, just to hold her up. He wore his mask of courage, the one he used when the family heard a strange knock on the door, frightened it might be the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents.”

Fragile Courage - Published September 2021


Distribution: Ingram’s and Amazon

Fragile Courage tells the story of Melina who struggles to align her bold dreams with her immigrant family’s expectations and Margot whose family expects nothing short of noteworthy accomplishments from their only child. At first resisting each other, their paths converge and together they discover the real meaning of courage. Its focus on cultural conflict and family tension is rich with ideas for contemporary book club discussions.


"In Fragile Courage, Martha Casazza portrays the complicated challenges faced by a first-generation, Mexican American college freshman and the warm, caring relationships with faculty and staff that are key to realizing her big dreams.  This book is a reminder of both our students' resilience and the importance of leading and teaching from the heart."

--Juan Salgado, Chancellor, City Colleges of Chicago


“Melina’s story is the story of so many of us Latinas who trailblazed a pathway toward our dreams while juggling family obstacles and breaking through cultural and societal barriers. This is our story. And who better to tell this story than Martha Casazza. Martha’s tireless dedication to education has made a positive impact in our community. Martha is the quintessential life longer learner, eloquent storyteller and a trailblazer who unlocks human potential through her passion and craft.” 

--Karina Ayala-Bermejo, President & CEO Instituto del Progreso Latino 

“Both riveting and inspirational, Fragile Courage follows the journey of Melina, a Mexican American college student torn between two cultures of family and education. Casazza brilliantly captures the personal struggle of isolation, self-doubt, and the internal conflict of social identity so common with students first in their generation to attend college. This is a must read for students, parents and educators.” 

--Russ Hodges, Associate Professor, Texas State University


“This is an important story to tell because women like Melina are often dismissed and misunderstood. This story tells the dark reality immigrants face to achieve the American Dream and prove that immigrants are part of what makes America the country it is today. “

--Maria D. Cabrales, Esq, Immigration Attorney

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Also see: Dreaming Forward

"Martha captures the spirit and vibrance of our community in the most authentic, inspiring and thought provoking manner possible. By telling stories of struggle, perseverance and triumph, she breathes life into everyday joy human beings have at their fingertips when we listen to and value our life stories.”

Juan Salagdo, M.U.P.
Chancellor, Chicago City Colleges

"In Dreaming Forward: Latino Voices Enhance the Mosaic, Martha Casazza not only tells the stories and describes the struggles of Latino students, she also provides a context that gives meaning to these stories and struggles. The themes that result from these stories represent concepts that will benefit every educator."
Hunter Boylan, Ph.D.
Former Director, National Center for Developmental Education, Appalachian State University